Friday, March 30, 2007

Vareeting Zammechat

'Alo Lovelies.

It is I, Socrates, here again on this lovely March evening. The weather has been lovely lately and things have been going swimmingly. I feel rather british today....I watched the Ali G show today and I just won the new Lily Allen cd on WHSN...Too many british influences. I'm not big on the Brits.
Hugh Grant.. Great! ^ ^
Posh Spice....*cringes* >.<

I'v also been doing a lot of online quizzes lateley...they suck. I don't need someone whose screenname is
telling me that I'm "lonely and dark inside" because I marked my favorite color as green, or that I'm "cute but psychopathic" because I checked my element as wind... These things don't even make sense!! God, It makes me so sad to think that some poor kids are relying on these people to be their psychologists and diagnose them as "emo", "goth", or "prep". Last year I went on quizilla and on the tags there were words like "elements", "Music", and "Art", but these positive sources were replaced by things like, "Death", "Depression", "emo", and "cutting". As one who has been through these things myself, it saddens me to see these things glamourized.

My friend Erica has these earrings shaped like razorblades that she got from HotTopic. I HATE THOSE EARRINGS! omfg, they make me want to rip them out of her ears everytime I see them. What are they promoting?? Cutting! What are they glamourizing? Depression! God, this culture is warped.
Hot Topic commercializes what should not be commercialized.

If you were wondering what the title meant, Vareeting Zammechat is Clockwork Orange speak for.....Cooking up Brilliance. I feel like something great is coming into the future. ^ ^. The weather does this to Jess. Spring is so wonderful. I guess I'm too optimistic, but I can't help it. If I annoy you, simply click the little "X" up in the top righthand corner of your screen. Thats the beauty of the internet. Godlike power.
I feel like writing a lot lately, lucky for you readers.

` Yeah, If you or anyone you know is missing a skull beltbuckle that was brocken and soddered back togather, notify me and I'll give it to you to give to them. I found it on the floor in lower B lobby and it has a lot of negitive energy and its disrupting my aura. I must get rid of it. T.T *jess cries*

I'll give you some pics of J-pop star Miyavi to drool at.

theres ,"wet t-shirt contest" Miyavi
theres,"does my deoderant smell good?" miyavi
and last theres, "These glasses make me look like a chick, but I'm still hotter than you" miyavi

I like the picks of him all manly and smoking. He looks too pretty-boy in these pics, but I'm tired and its 9:55...
Ok, jess must go and read.

Signing off,



Anarchy said...

Ah yes... SPRING!!! ^_^ It makes me so happy to see the sun out at 7 o'clock yup yup. But waking up to those looming rain clouds isn't all that fun... Oh well the sun is SOOO bright today I just want to sit on my roof all day but no... I must find something that I want for my birthday and stuff... anyways... ... ...

Dan: "Jess, who is Miyavi" *cringes in fear*

Jess: *stares angrily and chases Dan with a spiked baseball bat* "GET BACK HERE DEMON SPAWN!!!"

P.S. My blog is
so there no excuse not to go... O.~

Socrates Volkova said...

yeah I know.... >.< Miyavi is the sexiest j-rock star ever.....

gackt+myavi=lovvvveeee all night!!!!

Anarchy said...

ohhhhh I SEE NOW... That makes you the daughter of gad!!!

Dan: *gets on all fours and praises*

Jess: "Give me a break!!!"


Fallen_Angel534 said...

Hellooooooo! You are back and so aren't I. Miyavi and Gackt. *happy sigh*
Spring,spring, 'tis good but not with the snow '-.-
It will melt.... eventually. *glomps* I hope you will keep on updating it was boring otherwise.

alex said...

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Unknown said...

I concur.
Hugh Grant is offically the shit.

...Witty said...

[//bows head]
Alas, Jess, Becky's back.
Anywhootles, just thought that I'd let you know; I'll probably post something in the near future.

Meaning, most likely a few months from now.

[//showers you in Wittylove before departing]