Monday, August 28, 2006

Hemp Holocaust

Jess is sad. Jess is very sad. For today, something doned on her. What is I were a hemp plant.
Hemp is so hated and scorned! People are so stupid, Hemp has no drug properties until man fools and fucks with it. I mean, yeah potheads are bad, but what if you were Hemp? Always completely labeled and rejected as a drug! It's a plant! A PLANT! Not a drug, a LIVING BREATHING PLANT!! Like a rosebush, or a fern! It's just a plant like anything else its just god cursed it, its not Hemp's fault that man abuses it as a drug! I mean, hemp can't grow wild anymore like ferns. It doesn't have the luxury of being pampered and potted or put into a flower garden like other plants! The only place where they can grow legally in amerika is in government facilities. How sad is that. Its like, if I had a disease that if you cut me and ate me, you'd get sick, the government makes people like me evacuate and come and live in government facilities. It's A Hemp Holocaust! It should be free! Not free to smoke, but free to grow!! This is a real problem. No one cares, though, except me. Hemp could have amazing medical potential, for all we know, properly grown and cultivated hemp could cure cancer !!(I guess..)
What is YOU were a Hemp plant, free and wild. A ugly scruffy man finds you and looks around and picks you up, cradeling your roots. He takes you to his home and pots you in a small, messy, dark closet. You grow only knowing the hostility of this man and the darkness of the closet (emo plant). Suddenly you hear thumping and police come into your closet, the man is being handcuffed. A small glimmer of hope comes to you as the police come in "The've come to take the mean man away and bring me home!" The police take you to a white building with long, repeatitive hallways. They open a doorway and a indoor, artificially lighted greenary comes into view. Many of your kind are there, but they are weak and sick from lack of natural resources in the large white room. Like Aushwitz, there are gaurds that give you barely enough sunlight and food to survive. You are potted and are doomed to stay there for the rest of your short, artificial plant life.

Please, save the Hemp

Socrates Volkova

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Life After Death

Hey everyone!

It's been a rough couple of weeks here at my abode, dears. My nana died so we went to the funeral. I always thought funerals were so awesome, ya know gothicness and darkness. It wasn't all that awesome. I wore a white business shirt and a black skirt with a corset back (ironicly, the skirt was last worn to a wedding...) and black high heels. I also dragged along my awesome Tim Burton-esqe umbrella for gothic effect, but it was sunny *sniffles*. The funeral was...just sad. We have a pretty big family so there was over 100 people at the funeral and half the town of Calias, all were weepy and dreary. Calais is regretably, my small hometown. It was my manipulative father's empire where everyone in the town loved and revered him and when my parents split, he spread terrible rumors about her through the town. Seven years later we return for the funeral and find the town is still the same as it ever was....full of pubs and hair salons. The highschool is run-down and the whole city's money was drained to build a $3 million Native American Heritage museum on the waterfront. Nice idea, but they refused to notice that people in Calias are either too old to leave the nursing home, or too poor to pay the six dollar admisstions fee when they have other things to worry about.
My grandmother from my father's side attended the funeral, too. The only person from my father's side. She came partially so she could see us (the twins and I). She calls maybe once a year and gives us little more than a candy bar for christmas, but I try not to hold a childish grudge. She isn't that wealthy and considering all the things she's been through in her life I give her a break. She isn't a strong woman, and she is the perfect picture of what happens in a bad tv movie for Lifetome channel where the stupid, nieve 50's maralyn monroe wannabe marries and abusive cliche. My father's puppet, she would do anything for her son.
She was so alienated at the funeral reception. Although my family is warm inside their own clan, they are as cold as ice to people even partially related to my father after what he did to my mother. She was sitting alone at an almost empty table and I felt that nasty pull in my stomach as what happens when you feel you are about to do something that would further alienate me from my own family. I sat down and ate lunch with her. I could feel the glareing eyes of my other grandmother, "I just lost my mother, sit with me! Comfort Me! Jessica! Jessica!" Lillian isn't even a grandmother to me, but Nana has people surrounding her with comfort and love. All I know is that Lil was widowed numerous times and that since Nana Preston was celebrating her 44th anniversery with her first husband, she could stand to eat lunch with one less grandchild.

Enough of my self pity!!! Heres a list of new songs you guys should check out:

Turn it Up- by Robots In Disguise

Vinyl Words- by Aoki Takamasa + Yujiko Noriko

God Killed The Queen- King Louis XIV

Swollen Summer- The Bravery

Robot- t.A.T.u.

Signing Off,
Socrates Volkova

Oh yeah, in regards to Life after Death, Live on through the hard times. Even if someone dies, Live life to the fullest. That is the true meaning of Life after Death

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy 1st Anniversary Angels of Rebellion!!

Happy 1st Angels of Rebellion!!! Can you believe I've been writing on this a whole year?! YAY!!! The Anniversary was on the 31st of July but my internet convieniently shut down RIGHT ON THAT DAY and was off for a while so I couldn't make the anniversary post until now. I seriously agree with alethegoodsoul, God truely DOES hate me with a vengence.
I've been drawing a lot lately as usual but tomarrow I'm going to the annual sidewalk art festival downtown. ^.^ I love art, tis passioning the arting I am! It will be a nice change of pace from the stress going around lately, my greatgrandmother had a heart attack yesterday and things have been pretty hectic. We're all really worried if she'll make it.....she's still in the hospital and is still pretty sick. n_n I have high hopes in that whatever outcome may happen it will be the right one!
The cemetarys in Tokyo are HUGE (quite random, I was just staring at my map of tokyo, no means to be vulgar there, people!) I mean...its twice as big as the Natomachi Japanese Garden!! Agast!....... o.O...... okay on the key it says that the christian cemetarys are marked by little green crosses, but on the map there's only little green upside-down "T" things... TYPO ALERT!! meh ha ha ha ha ha

I'm so happy! I'm getting Fable: the lost chapters FINALLY because since I got a new computer, I can run awesome videogames on it without the blocky stop and run stuff!!!

Okay, lovelies I must be-a-goin' noW!!

Signing off,

Socrates Malakai Volkova