Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Loves Me.....Loves Me Not.

Casting Shadows.

Thats basically what I've been doing for the past 2 years.

you can tell from the state of my room, that they let me out too soon.

missed me missed me
now you've gotta kiss me

Good News: I have really AMAZING friends *glomps them* they're wonderful, i'm gonna cry. I'm so lucky to have all of you. ((I feel like i'm giving an oscar acceptance speech. "And the award for most boring life in the world goes to: SOCRATES VOLKOVA!!)) Not to mention that smexy boyfriend of mine ^ ^

Bad News: Forgetting about all the stuff happening at home, things are going really hard with Dan and I. he is accusing me of being in love with his best friend and cheating on him and all that shit. I don't need his paranoria right now. I'm already stressed, crushed, and dead inside . Then when I get to school, he does things like when i'm depressed he'll try to cheer me up (it never works, i'm an idiot and it would take a wrecking ball to tear down the wall that builds between me and people when i'm depressed.) since his cheerfullness just makes me sad because i hate myself for letting him down i get ecen more depressed. I usually do 2 things when we're at this point. I either put on my usual mask of happiness and pretend to be cheered up (which just makes dan mad), or i just get angry and depressed even more. Either way, on the third stage Dan always does the same thing. He takes all my deppression, multiplies it a thousand times and throws it right back at me. This doesn't help cause it just makes both of us depressed. Its not his fault, its mine because I'm helpless when i'm depressed. there are only like , three people that can help me. I'd never ask them to, though.
BUT no one wants to hear about bad news ^_^ Ignore all that, dears!!

My school work is failing and my art is in a permanent stage of isolation.

Here is what i'm thinking right now:

half jack

half underwater
i'm half my mother's daughter
a fraction's left up to dispute
the whole collection
half off the price they're asking
in the halfway house of ill repute

half accidental
half pain full instrumental
i have a lot to think about
you think they're joking?
you have to go provoke him...
i guess it's high time you found out

it's half biology and half corrective surgery gone wrong
you'll notice something funny if you hang around here for too
long ago in some black hole before they had these pills to take it back
i'm half jill
and half jack

two halves are equal
a cross between two evils
it's not an enviable lot
but if you listen
you'll learn to hear the difference
between the halfs and the half nots

and when i let him in i feel my stitches getting sicker
i try to wash him out but like she said:the blood is thicker
i see my mother in my face
but only when i travel
i run as fast as i can run
jack comes tumbling after....

and when i'm brave enough and find a clever way to kick him out
and i'm so high not even you and all your love could bring me down
on 83rd he never found the magic words to change this fact:
i'm half jill
and half jack

i'm halfway home now
half hoping
for a showdown
cause i'm not big enough to house this crowd
it might destroy me
but i'd sacrifice my body
if it meant i'd get the jack part OUT




copyright 2002 amanda palmer

Sunday, October 29, 2006


this song describes exactly how I am feeling at the moment:


you can tell
from the scars on my arms
and cracks in my hips
and the dents in my car
and the blisters on my lips
that i'm not the carefullest of girls

you can tell
from the glass on the floor
and the strings that're breaking
and i keep on breaking more
and it looks like i am shaking
but it's just the temperature
and then again
if it were any colder i could disengage
if i were any older i could act my age
but i dont think that youd believe me
it's just the way the operation made me

and you can tell
from the state of my room
that they let me out too soon
and the pills that i ate
came a couple years too late
and ive got some issues to work through
there i go again
pretending to be you
that i have a soul beneath the surface
trying to convince you
it was accidentally on purpose

i am not so serious
this passion is a plagiarism
i might join your century
but only on a rare occasion
i was taken out
before the labor pains set in and now
behold the world's worst accident
i am the girl anachronism

and you can tell
by the red in my eyes
and the bruises on my thighs
and the knots in my hair
and the bathtub full of flies
that i'm not right now at all
there i go again
pretending that i'll fall
don't call the doctors
cause they've seen it all before
they'll say just
she'll learn
the attention just encourages her

and you can tell
from the full-body cast
that i'm sorry that i asked
though you did everything you could
(like any decent person would)
but i might be catching so don't touch
you'll start believeing youre immune to gravity and stuff
don't get me wet
because the bandages will all come off

and you can tell
from the smoke at the stake
that the current state is critical
well it is the little things, for instance:
in the time it takes to break it she can make up ten excuses:
please excuse her for the day, its just the way the medication makes her...

i dont necessarily believe there is a cure for this
so i might join your century but only as a doubtful guest
i was too precarious removed as a caesarian
behold the worlds worst accident

copyright 2002 amanda palmer

Monday, August 28, 2006

Hemp Holocaust

Jess is sad. Jess is very sad. For today, something doned on her. What is I were a hemp plant.
Hemp is so hated and scorned! People are so stupid, Hemp has no drug properties until man fools and fucks with it. I mean, yeah potheads are bad, but what if you were Hemp? Always completely labeled and rejected as a drug! It's a plant! A PLANT! Not a drug, a LIVING BREATHING PLANT!! Like a rosebush, or a fern! It's just a plant like anything else its just god cursed it, its not Hemp's fault that man abuses it as a drug! I mean, hemp can't grow wild anymore like ferns. It doesn't have the luxury of being pampered and potted or put into a flower garden like other plants! The only place where they can grow legally in amerika is in government facilities. How sad is that. Its like, if I had a disease that if you cut me and ate me, you'd get sick, the government makes people like me evacuate and come and live in government facilities. It's A Hemp Holocaust! It should be free! Not free to smoke, but free to grow!! This is a real problem. No one cares, though, except me. Hemp could have amazing medical potential, for all we know, properly grown and cultivated hemp could cure cancer !!(I guess..)
What is YOU were a Hemp plant, free and wild. A ugly scruffy man finds you and looks around and picks you up, cradeling your roots. He takes you to his home and pots you in a small, messy, dark closet. You grow only knowing the hostility of this man and the darkness of the closet (emo plant). Suddenly you hear thumping and police come into your closet, the man is being handcuffed. A small glimmer of hope comes to you as the police come in "The've come to take the mean man away and bring me home!" The police take you to a white building with long, repeatitive hallways. They open a doorway and a indoor, artificially lighted greenary comes into view. Many of your kind are there, but they are weak and sick from lack of natural resources in the large white room. Like Aushwitz, there are gaurds that give you barely enough sunlight and food to survive. You are potted and are doomed to stay there for the rest of your short, artificial plant life.

Please, save the Hemp

Socrates Volkova

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Life After Death

Hey everyone!

It's been a rough couple of weeks here at my abode, dears. My nana died so we went to the funeral. I always thought funerals were so awesome, ya know gothicness and darkness. It wasn't all that awesome. I wore a white business shirt and a black skirt with a corset back (ironicly, the skirt was last worn to a wedding...) and black high heels. I also dragged along my awesome Tim Burton-esqe umbrella for gothic effect, but it was sunny *sniffles*. The funeral was...just sad. We have a pretty big family so there was over 100 people at the funeral and half the town of Calias, all were weepy and dreary. Calais is regretably, my small hometown. It was my manipulative father's empire where everyone in the town loved and revered him and when my parents split, he spread terrible rumors about her through the town. Seven years later we return for the funeral and find the town is still the same as it ever was....full of pubs and hair salons. The highschool is run-down and the whole city's money was drained to build a $3 million Native American Heritage museum on the waterfront. Nice idea, but they refused to notice that people in Calias are either too old to leave the nursing home, or too poor to pay the six dollar admisstions fee when they have other things to worry about.
My grandmother from my father's side attended the funeral, too. The only person from my father's side. She came partially so she could see us (the twins and I). She calls maybe once a year and gives us little more than a candy bar for christmas, but I try not to hold a childish grudge. She isn't that wealthy and considering all the things she's been through in her life I give her a break. She isn't a strong woman, and she is the perfect picture of what happens in a bad tv movie for Lifetome channel where the stupid, nieve 50's maralyn monroe wannabe marries and abusive man....so cliche. My father's puppet, she would do anything for her son.
She was so alienated at the funeral reception. Although my family is warm inside their own clan, they are as cold as ice to people even partially related to my father after what he did to my mother. She was sitting alone at an almost empty table and I felt that nasty pull in my stomach as what happens when you feel you are about to do something that would further alienate me from my own family. I sat down and ate lunch with her. I could feel the glareing eyes of my other grandmother, "I just lost my mother, sit with me! Comfort Me! Jessica! Jessica!" Lillian isn't even a grandmother to me, but Nana has people surrounding her with comfort and love. All I know is that Lil was widowed numerous times and that since Nana Preston was celebrating her 44th anniversery with her first husband, she could stand to eat lunch with one less grandchild.

Enough of my self pity!!! Heres a list of new songs you guys should check out:

Turn it Up- by Robots In Disguise

Vinyl Words- by Aoki Takamasa + Yujiko Noriko

God Killed The Queen- King Louis XIV

Swollen Summer- The Bravery

Robot- t.A.T.u.

Signing Off,
Socrates Volkova

Oh yeah, in regards to Life after Death, Live on through the hard times. Even if someone dies, Live life to the fullest. That is the true meaning of Life after Death

Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy 1st Anniversary Angels of Rebellion!!

Happy 1st Angels of Rebellion!!! Can you believe I've been writing on this a whole year?! YAY!!! The Anniversary was on the 31st of July but my internet convieniently shut down RIGHT ON THAT DAY and was off for a while so I couldn't make the anniversary post until now. I seriously agree with alethegoodsoul, God truely DOES hate me with a vengence.
I've been drawing a lot lately as usual but tomarrow I'm going to the annual sidewalk art festival downtown. ^.^ I love art, tis passioning the arting I am! It will be a nice change of pace from the stress going around lately, my greatgrandmother had a heart attack yesterday and things have been pretty hectic. We're all really worried if she'll make it.....she's still in the hospital and is still pretty sick. n_n I have high hopes in that whatever outcome may happen it will be the right one!
The cemetarys in Tokyo are HUGE (quite random, I was just staring at my map of tokyo, no means to be vulgar there, people!) I mean...its twice as big as the Natomachi Japanese Garden!! Agast!....... o.O...... okay on the key it says that the christian cemetarys are marked by little green crosses, but on the map there's only little green upside-down "T" things... TYPO ALERT!! meh ha ha ha ha ha

I'm so happy! I'm getting Fable: the lost chapters FINALLY because since I got a new computer, I can run awesome videogames on it without the blocky stop and run stuff!!!

Okay, lovelies I must be-a-goin' noW!!

Signing off,

Socrates Malakai Volkova

Sunday, July 23, 2006

My Motionless Decay

Hello everyone.

I'm sorta hurting right now....idk. I've been having a lot of strange thoughts and dreams. Stuff like this happened once before but my mind was in such a definate place that it didn't effect me as much as it does now. I feel lonely and no one can understand. Everyone that tries to help me gets pushed away. I don't want to be helped. I don't want you to care about the reason why I'm like this. I just want to live without restraints. I don't think that any kind of love can fill the emptiness in my soul. I am not a good person, friend, or lover. I'm a hopeless romantic with conciously outrageous exspectations for everyone. I hate to hurt people that are my friends. I'm so moody and empty nowadays that I try to avoid them in hopes that I don't hurt them. I love my friends so dearly and I think they deserve more than me. There's only one person that I can be with and not worry about hurting. I'm so happy to be around them that the emptiness in me is forgotten and I can live. I feel the same way about all my friends but I often worry how I'm acting and put on a faulse front when I'm around my other friends. I'm so tired from being happy that Dan gets all the moody and depressed side of me. When Nariko comes over thursday I'm going to plan a big get togather with ALL my friends and then, maybe, my emptiness will go away. Lately, this gapeing hole in my heart has been growing and engulfing all feelings of happiness or hope. I can only hope that it will disinagrate before I become a waxy shell of no emotion.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Appy Polly Lodgies!!

Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry that I've been gone for so long. I tried to start a new blog, but it just wasn't the same as Angels so I came back.....Nyah.

So much has happened, Cheshire is SOOOOO BIG!! He's a big kitty yes he is!! I'm going into high school as soon as summer ends, and I'm NOT looking forward to it >.<>

I got a new computer too. Finnaly I don't have to suffer with a Windows 95. I needed it so I could download videos for my iPod...I wuv it! ^.^ bad news is I downloaded a ton of songs from iTunes that I have to pay money to re-download. >.<>

I can't wait 'till Clerks 2 comes out! I loved the first one! MWA... I missed this blog.....*hugs blog and all of its followers* my biggest internet dream is for this blog to be FAMOUS***** whee! Wouldn't that be fun? I think so... O.~
I feel so young. I dyed my hair dark red, I've never dyed my hair before so it kinda surprized me, but I like the outcome!

Enough Foofl for today!


Sunday, March 12, 2006

One Last Chance

I'm giving blogger one last chance to make up for what it did to my internet reputation. Everytime I write a new post it gets destroyed. LISTEN TO ME BLOGGER, THIS IS YOU FINAL CHANCE!
Well in movie news I saw a Clockwork Orange over the vacation, it was really good. Really gruesome and powerful but good. I' m listening to the theme now. ^ ^
They're acctually talking about blogs on the news now and I feel special ^ ^ I dont feel like writing
but here's a short glossary of all the words in the NADSAT launguage used in a clockwork orange. the words with the * are the words that seem to have no russian orgin.

* appy polly loggy - apology baboochka - old woman baddiwad - bad banda - band bezoomny - mad biblio - library bitva - battle Bog - God bolnoy - sick bolshy - big, great brat, bratty - brother bratchny - bastard britva - razor brooko - belly brosay - to throw bugatty - rich cal - feces * cancer - cigarette cantora - office carman - pocket chai - tea * charles, charlie - chaplain chasha - cup chasso - guard cheena - woman cheest - to wash chelloveck - person, man, follow chepooka - nonsense choodessny - wonderful * chumble - to mumble clop - beak collocoll - bell * crack - to break up or "bust" * crark - to yowl? crast - to rob or steal; robbery creech - to shout or scream * cutter - money dama - lady ded - old man deng - money devotchka - girl dobby - good * dook - trace, ghost domy - house dorogoy - dear, valuable dratsing - fighting * drencrom - drug droog - friend (ie: my droogies) * dung - to defecate dva - two eegra - game eemya - name * eggiweg - egg * filly - to play or fool with * firegold - drink * fist - to punch * flip - wild? forella - "trout" gazetta - newspaper glazz - eye gloopy - stupid * golly - unit of money goloss - voice goober - lip gooly - to walk gorlo - throat govorett - to speak or talk grahzny - dirty grazzy - soiled gromky - loud groody - breast gruppa - group * guff - guffaw gulliver - head * gulliwuts - guts * hen-korm - chickenfeed * horn - to cry out horrorshow - good, well * in-out in-out - copulation interessovat - to interest itty - to go * jammiwam - jam jeezny - life kartoffel - potato keeshkas - guts kleb - bread kootch - key knopka - button kopat - to "dig" koshka - cat kot - tomcat krovvy - blood kupet - to buy lapa - paw lewdies - people * lighter - crone? litso - face tomtick - piece, bit loveted - caught lubbilubbing - making love * luscious glory - hair malchick - boy malenky - little, tiny malso - butter merzky - filthy messel - thought, fancy mesto - place millicent - policeman minoota - minute molodoy - young moloko - milk moodge - man morder - snout * mounch - snack mozg - brain nachinat - to begin nadmenny - arrogant nadsat - teenage nagoy - naked * nazz - fool neezhnies - underpants nochy - night noga - foot, leg nozh - knife nuking - smelling oddy knocky - lonesome odin - one okno - window oobivat - to kill ookadeet - to leave ooko - ear oomny - brainy oozhassny - terrible oozy - chain osoosh - to wipe otchkies - eyeglasses * pan-handle - erection * pee and em - parents peet - to drink pischcha - food platch - to cry platties - clothes pletcho - shoulder plenny - prisoner plesk - splash * plosh - to splash plott - body podooshka - pillow pol - sex polezny - useful * polyclef - skeleton key pony - to understand poogly - frightened pooshka - "cannon" prestoopnik - criminal privodeet - to lead somewhere * pretty polly - money prod - to produce ptitsa - "chick" pyahnitsa - drunk rabbit - work, job radosty - joy raskazz - story rassoodock - mind raz - time razdraz - upset razrez - to rip, ripping rock, rooker - hand, arm rot - mouth rozz - policeman sabog - shoe sakar - sugar sammy - generous * sarky - sarcastic scotenna - "cow" shaika - gang * sharp - female sharries - buttocks shest - barrier * shilarny - concern * shive - slice shiyah - neck shlem - helmet * shlaga - club shlapa - hat shoom - noise shoot - fool * sinny - cinema shazat - to say * skolliwoll - school skorry - quick, quickly * shriking - scratching shvat - to grab sladky - sweet sloochat - to happen sloosh, slosshy - to hear, to listen slovo - word smech - laugh smot - to look sneety - dream * snoutie - tobacco? * snuff it - to die sobirat - to pick up * sod - to fornicate, fornicator soomaka - "bag" soviet - advice, order spat - to sleep spatchka - sleep * splodge, splosh - splash * spoogy - terrified * Staja - State Jail starry - ancient strack - horror * synthemesc - drug tally - waist * tashtook - handkerchief * tass - cup tolchock - to hit or push;blow, beating toofles - slippers tree - three vareet - to "cook up" * vaysay - washroom veck - (see chelloveck) * vellocet - drug veshch - thing viddy - to see or look voloss - hair von - smell vred - to harm or damage yahma - hole * yahoodies - Jews yabzick - tongue * yarbles - testicles yeckate - to drive * warble - song zammechat - remarkable zasnoot - sleep zhenna - wife zoobies - teeth zvonock - bellpull zvook - sound

Friday, February 24, 2006


I have to apologize to my readers first and formost because I haven't been posting lately. >.<>

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

How Do You Spell "Obbsession"??

Well, Valintine's day is on the hunt and you can see it posted over every water fountain and cafeteria wall at my school. It seems as id this holiday has torn the minds out of every student council member and thrown them on a frenzy setting up people for dates and cutting pink paper hearts to hang over the cafeteria. Cupid has really done his part this year. At my school they have this "carnation celebration" where they have boys buy carnations for girls they like and the student council members give them out at lunch-time, which is sooo unromantic. They should leave a small handfull of rose petals on the person's desk in every class and at the end of the day meet them at their locker with a bunch of blood red roses and a kiss sweeter than any chocolates.......
*sigh* as you can probably see I'm quite the hopeless romantic. Saint Valentine's day is where the "hopeless" part comes in though. But this school is way worse. I mean, CARNATIONS??? They are the most hideous in all the floral category. So.....overused. You see them at weddings, funerals, dates, proms...ugh. The rose is the true ruler. I don't mean to sound cliche but I do like rosesz, mostly white or black ones. Or blood red, doesn't really matter to me. They have this whole "flower language" which confuses me and it's like: "Okay, well this guy just gave me a yellow carnation. He likes me." "No, yellow carnations mean 'friendship' duh" "Wait, I thought they meant he rejected you" It's all just so confusing.

I don't care, I just hope I don't get a yellow rose or I'll freak out because I really don't know what they mean, it's subjective I guess.
This whole world/art really revolves around love. Movies, paintings, music (have you ever noticed that almost ALL songs have something to love) etc. Which makes a hopeless romantic like me a perfect candidate to go into an art career. ^ ^
There's a valintine's day dance friday, which happens to be the same time as my mother's birthday. She had a date that night and I was supposed to babysit but I told her there was a dance and she changed it to saturday. I think I owe it to her to try to have a good time whether I get a date or not. Besides, there's good music and people. I may get slightly hyper, but that's ok. No matter how many rejections I get or lonely years pass by me I'm never giving up hope! ^ ^ there's someone out there for everyone, isn't there? And if there isn't someone for me I can still be happy. I'm going to japan anyways, who needs lovers when you can have POCKY!!! Bite that cupid!
Sincerly Single,

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Nariko Is Here!!!!!!!! ^ ^

*EXTREAME HAPPINESS FROM SOCRATES* agggghhhhh!!! ^ ^ In case you haven't heard my besssstttttt friend Nariko has madeth a BLOG!!!!! YAYY!!! I am soooooo happy, I love Nariko!! She sooooo rules! Nariko's blog is really awesome! She has a slog too called, The Hurricane's Art. Nari-chan is really great with names, he blog is named Nariko's Electricity, nariko is japanese for thunder so it makes it sound so cool. I've been begging her to help me re-model my blog (yes, I'm re-modeling) and pick out a name for it but she says i'm creative enough to do it myself.....*sigh*
oh well, i'll come up with something ^ ^
Nariko and I have been best friends since the seventh grade, yes I know thats not a long time to some people but that's the longest time i've ever had a friend.. :( it's true. I usually move or they get bored of me. *sadness*

oh well
Y'know how like stupid ditzy gals have those friends they have for a week and their, like, totally best friends *stupid giggle* but then one backstabs another and they break up and the next week get back togather again? Nari-chan are so opposite. She understands me and knows that even though I may be insane and strange on the outside I'm really happy and romantic (more like a hopeless romantic -.-') on the inside!
She knows me better than anybody else!
We get along so well, our teachers in the seventh grade used to say we were inseperable, which was true. In every class we would pass notes and I don't think there was a day when we were apart, the i moved and now she calls me everyday and we talk for hours, still inseperable!! Even the forces of nature can't keep us apart lol ^ ^ is there anything that anyone could want more than a lifetime best friend?I couldn't want more ^ ^ ((except for love *hopeless romantic sigh*))

Our plan is to go through highschool taking accelerated writing courses and art ((me mostly art, I'm going to be drawing the manga)) and then once we get into college Im going to this art school in massachusetts called.....uh....I can't really remember it right now but I know it starts with a "M". After college we'll take all the money we made during college and summer jobs and other jobs and stuff and move to japan. We'll live in a small apartment untill our books make it big and we'll be famous. LOL, I know it may be far-fetched but with my soon to be art skills and Nari-chans flawless and exciting writing (me too of course, I wrote half of it, we wrote the role play togather ^ ^ ) we are destined to make it big. ^ ^ it makes me all happy thinking about it. Nariko knows a lot of japanese, I know some. I'll have to take a lot of courses on it in college, got to be fluent to be in with the locals *wink*

Did I mention Nariko can sing? She can REALLY sing. I listen to her sing malice mizer and other japanese artists and I don't think I can pronounce half the words she's throwing out there at perfect timing to the music. The only songs I can really sing to are utada and t.A.T.u. I love singing along with t.A.T.u , but Nariko is the only one of my friends who will ever hear me sing. NO ONE ELSE! >:(
Visit Nari-chan's site!!! www.air-clouded-blood.blogspot.com

~ Socrates Volkova

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Theory of January

Ah......January. Such a blissfull month for people with real lives. A fresh new beggining and new years parties and everyday is just another day twords valentine's day where they can look forward to the perfect date with their cuddle buddy.
New Year's eve was a total blow because I stayed up watching movies and missed the ball drop and I woke up in the morning all grumpy and the house was a mess from "partying" I would like to call it partying but I've never actually been to a party so I guess it was just from my siblings being excited.
January is also the beginning of slud season in maine where the slush and mud combine on the sides of the road and make an industrial eyesore reminding us that the whole world will look like slud season in a couple years. It is the time after christmas and the relatives pack up and head back home and you have a whole 'nuther year 'till the next christmas season. And don't even get me started on valentines day, that comes in another post >.<. ((V.Day is my absolute loveit/hateit holday, if I don't have a bf by that time I hate it, if I have one I love it.....for the past 13 years i've hated it -.-')) But deep down I do like valintine's day, not many people would think though. I can be a romantic person at times, really! I tend to be either a gothic romantic or a victorian romantic person. Not a cupid romantic. The whole rose and chocolate thing is nice but somewhat boring. I do like white roses though, remind me of the moon ^.^.
On the other hand, I hate assorted chocolates. Usually they turn out to be cherry syrpy chocolates >.<>.<') or a kurama plushie, kurama is a fox demon who has a rose whip so he's suitable for valentine's day. "Rose whip, thorn wheel, HA!" sorry.....random outburst. And posters!!! Who doesn't love posters??? ^ ^

oh well, I'll end this post with another picture of mana, I was hoping to find one of him in red of pink for valentine's day, but I forgot he doesn't wear such hidious colours. I don't blame him.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Cross-Dressing Composers and Apologies

Composer reports are begining to be asigned. Not really asigned, chosen. Everyone chooses the same old dead composers, but there are so many more contemporary composers that are interesting to me. Like Danny Elfman (songs for Nightmare before Christmas) But I choose Mana from Malice Mizer. ^ ^ Mana!!! ManamanamanamanaMANA!!! I loooovvvvveeeee mana. He's my favorite out of the bend members. But I had to go to hell and back to get him as my composer, and then I had to explain to the music teacher what a "visual band" was. And she still doesn't get it >.<>.<>.<>
But currently I'm listening to Utada, a very mellow english version of utada, so I'm nice and calm. ^ ^ Easy Breezy ((<---haha pun, name of song I'm listening to ^^)) See people? You can come out of hiding! I'm fine now ^_^ *yawn* but ish very tired
TOMMARROW IS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! see I can type something energetic although I am muy, muy energetic-free. I don't want to say tired because Today is the night where all the tv shows of the new season premire and I am sooooo watching them ^ ^ Four Kings here I come!!!

Hope you have a good weekend and if you're new to my blog check out my other posts, hard to believe but they REALLY are just as good as this one!! Seriously ^ ^

~Socrates Volkova
ps: today my text matches the tints in mana's hair ^_^ <3

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Some Guys Just Can't Hold Their Arsenic

Lately I've been downloading songs like crazy. I found all my cds and it took me half a day to get them all on my iPod. I got this thing called LimeWire and it's kind of like Nabster before it whent commercial. You can download an unlimited amount of songs for nothing. ^ ^ Basically All I've been downloading on it is Weird Al, but I did get the Chicago soundtrack! I love the Cell Block Tango, I'm listening to it right now as I type this.
What really annoys me is that the people who read my blog only scroll down to the end of the first post, thinking the one underneath it is old. 'Socrates' thoughts on life and death' was a good and well thought out post and it makes me sad that no one read or left a comment on it :(
On the other hand I missed the ball dropping last night, instead I watched Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind. It was really good, but unfortunetly it held the some old message of all Hayao Miyazaki's other films. Protect the enviornment and peace. Not that that's bad, it just gets a little boring after a while. Another thing is Miyazaki's characters have all the same face. Even the guys have the same faces as girls, just bushier eyebrows.
I have a 'slog' now. That's an internet slang I made up for a song blog. It's just a place where I post song lyrics to my favorite songs because it would be boring if I did it here. the address is: www.greeneyesofthedeadgirl.blogspot.com

Check it out, I like it a lot. ^ ^ It doesn't have may posts yet, but I'm working on it. ^ ^